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New Report Reveals How To Set Up A “Fan Page Squeeze” That Can Double Your Email List…

Leading Facebook Expert Reveals This Little Known ‘Landing Page Design’ That Sends Floods of Free Email Leads Right Off Facebook!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

From: Brian Moran

Re: How to Setup a ‘Fan Page Squeeze’ That Can Double Your Email List in 30 Days or Less

Dear Friend,

Do you frequently find yourself wishing someone would actually tell you how to use Facebook to grow your email list?

Do you wonder if it’s actually possible to to use Facebook to generate real sales?

Have you ever wondered why everyone says how great Facebook marketing is, but no one seems to be getting any real results?

  • How to setup the “perfect squeeze page” right inside of Facebook (using a free fan page)
  • The #1 element you can’t forget to include (warning: leaving this out could get you banned from Facebook)
  • How to exploit other businesses’ fans and bring them straight to your new “Facebook Squeeze”
  • Why using the “Facebook Squeeze” lets you build 2 contact lists at the same time
  • The only app we use to build our Facebook Squeeze for free and the hidden advantage it gives us above our competitors
  • How to use social proof to “legally force” every visitor into entering their email address
  • and a lot, lot more…

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